It will remove some sensors from Samsung smartphones


Smartphones with a smartphone with our development we took photos also has become so successful. The number of multiple cameras we see on smartphones is undoubtedly one of the secrets of this success, but we should not forget the sensors that help these cameras. According to the latest news, Samsung will give up some camera sensors. So why?

ToF sensor from Samsung smartphones
Intelligent our phones now have multiple cameras and each of these cameras have a separate task. Some cameras take wide-angle photos, while others take high- resolution photos. The sensors that help these cameras find themselves in smartphones . One of these sensors with a tofu sensor also, of objects in framing how different they are in distance by calculating the main camera helps. In this way, more successful openness and portrait photos can be taken.


A situation like this, even if some of the smartphone manufacturers can take help of such a telephoto camera sensor instead of tofu. Samsung, which does not prefer this working system, will soon give up its decision. The main reason for this will be to decrease the increasing smartphone costs. This sensor in smartphones will be eliminated and the same success will be tried in different ways. This is the precursor to the fact that we will buy more affordable phones.

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It will remove some sensors from Samsung smartphones
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