Shows that an asteroid: Panic? A new simulation shows an asteroid hitting the earth at a high angle

According to foreign media ScienceDaily news, a new simulation shows that an asteroid that could theoretically cause the extinction of dinosaurs will hit the earth at the “most lethal” angle.

  A new simulation at Imperial College London shows that an asteroid will hit the earth at an angle of about 60 degrees, which will maximize the emissions of gases that cause climate change. This impact will release billions of tons of sulfur, blocking sunlight and forming a nuclear winter, which caused the dinosaurs to die 66 million years ago.

These new simulations are derived from a combination of 3D numerical impact simulation and geophysical data on the location of the impact. They are the first complete 3D simulations in history and can reproduce the entire event from the initial impact to the formation of the final crater. It is carried out on the DiRAC high-performance computing equipment of the Science and Technology Facilities Committee (STFC).

Shows that an asteroid: Panic? A new simulation shows an asteroid hitting the earth at a high angle

Professor Gareth Collins, principal researcher at the Department of Earth Science and Engineering at Imperial College of Technology, said: “For dinosaurs, nuclear winter is the worst case. The impact of an asteroid releases huge gases that enter the atmosphere and cause dinosaurs Extinct. “

“Our simulations provide convincing evidence that the asteroid will hit Earth at a dangerous angle. The asteroid may be 60 degrees above the horizon and collide from the northeast.”

Read More: Fresh New Article

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Shows that an asteroid: Panic? A new simulation shows an asteroid hitting the earth at a high angle
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