How to get a public IP address in Windows 10

Windows 10

The public IP address is mainly used to identify the system network. Sometimes you may need to find out your existing public IP address to fix connection problems.

By the way, there are several IP address search services available on the Internet that you can use to determine the IP address. But did you know that the IP address of the system can be determined simply by running a simple command?

In this guide, you will learn how to get a public IP address, including information about your Internet service provider, using PowerShell in Windows 10.

Get Public IP with PowerShell
To obtain a public IP address using PowerShell on Windows 10, follow these steps:

Windows 10

In the PowerShell console, enter the following command:

(Invoke-WebRequest -uri “”).Content

Press Enter to run the command.

By completing the above steps, you will receive an IP address to connect to the Internet.

Get more information about your ISP.
Along with the public IP address, you can also get more detailed information about the Internet provider. To find out, follow these steps:

In an open PowerShell window, enter the following command:

Invoke-RestMethod -Uri (‘’)

Press Enter , and it will show all the details, like city, region, country and others.

In the screenshot below you can see all the details that correspond to your Internet connection, such as city, region, time zone, organization and others.

I hope this guide helps you find the IP address and other details related to your network. If you have any doubts, you can leave your comments related to this article. which is great very good. very good. very good.

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How to get a public IP address in Windows 10
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