Apple is on the agenda with the iPhone name right case

Apple is on the agenda with the iPhone name right case

Large companies such as Samsung, Google and Apple continue to be brought to the agenda with patent and name rights cases. Apple, which has won the right to name in Brazil in the past years, came back to the agenda with the iPhone case.

Apple is on the agenda with the iPhone case
Apple has been involved with many firms and individuals, especially large firms. The case filed in Brazil contains a slightly different situation than the others. The company registered the iPhone name in 2007. Apple, who was previously in the case of a Chinese clothing company due to this name , has now faced a technology brand.

Apple is on the agenda with the iPhone name right case

Brazilian company IGB Electronica registered the rights of the iPhone name in its own country in 2000, so it was possible to use the name for a certain period of time in 2012 .

IGB Electronica has released the Android device named iPhone, thanks to its right to use the name . The fact that both Apple and IGB Electronica companies had the right to use names brought along some problems.

Apple, IGB Electronica officials, who made a statement regarding the iPhone case, stated that Apple has prevented the use of the iPhone name right. He also underlined that they sued Apple again, and said they will not chase this issue. Since the decision taken in 2018 resulted in the same way as the lawsuit filed in 2012, the company began preparing for a new lawsuit process.

The company, which will apply to the Supreme Federal Court , aims to change the final decision in 2018. It is stated that the total money the company lost in the litigation process is about $ 174 million .

Read More: Fresh New Article

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Apple is on the agenda with the iPhone name right case

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